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Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the aches and pains of the Transition Period

The Transition Period of almost one year lasting until 31 December 2020 (unless extended by agreement between the parties), which was...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the EU's vision of a green and digital world

On 2 March 2020 , Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner in charge of EU competition...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, the US and getting down to the business of trade negotiations

Monday , 2 March was a minor landmark day for the UK (but also for the EU and quite separately, the US) in the UK's timetable for...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and Coronavirus

The Coronavirus (aka Covid-19) has had the dubious distinction of knocking Brexit off the front page as the main source of concern and...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and sketching out the UK negotiating position on free trade talks with the EU

David Frost, the chief UK negotiator, made an important speech on 17 February 2020 at ULB Brussels University  outlining the UK approach...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and tough negotiating positions on free trade

It is rumoured that Boris Johnson and his Government are trying to ban or reduce references to "Brexit" in official communications and...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the European Parliament

The Parliament of the EU ("the European Parliament") has set out its stall on the proposed EU objectives for a Free Trade Agreement...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and UK-EU dispute resolution on financial services matters

In the lead-up to UK-EU free trade negotiations, the two sides are shadow-boxing on particular issues that concern them. Trade in...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and designing the future trading relationship between the UK and the EU

A couple of straws in the wind point to the  UK's direction of travel in its upcoming trade negotiations with the EU. This is even though...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the introduction of import controls on EU goods

In a speech on 10 February 2020 to delegates at a UK Cabinet Office-hosted event entitled "Preparing our Border for the Future...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and consumer law

The prospect of divergence between EU rules and UK law and practice following the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 is...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the European Court of Justice

One of the contentious areas of any future trade negotiations between the UK and the EU is the role of the European Court of Justice...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and MiFID II

MiFID II is EU legislation (including the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation-MiFIR) which came into force on 3 January 2018  to...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and trading under WTO rules

The UK Government "Transition Period" website is generating useful information on the post- Brexit  cross-border trading environment for...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and differing approaches to free trade negotiations

The 3 February 2020  saw the UK and EU setting out their different stalls for the free trade negotiations, which are due to take place...

Joanne Moseley

Post Brexit UK immigration - what's changed?

The UK left the EU last week. Our immigration expert Ben Xu explains what that means for employers wishing to recruit or retain EU...

Joanne Moseley

Will workers’ rights change after Brexit?

The UK leaves the EU at 11pm tonight - January 31 2020. Despite the ‘get Brexit done’ message, there will be no immediate changes to our...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit: what's next?

Following the Conservative Party winning December’s general election by a significant majority, the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement)...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, the Digital Copyright Directive and Creeping Divergence

One of the more controversial pieces of EU legislation recently is the so-called Digital Copyright Directive of 17 April 2019 (EU...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, rights of access to EU trade deals and the importance of an asterisk

Article 129 (1) of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement essentially confirms that during the transition period extending from 11pm (UK time) on...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and UK trade policy for the food and drink industry

On 27 January 2020 , three prestigious UK  food and drink sector Defra-sponsored representative  groupings - the Food and Drink...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and Green Finance

"Green Finance" is very much in the news at the moment following the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid in December 2019 and...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020

The news that the  European Union ( Withdrawal Agreement ) Act 2020 had received Royal Assent and passed into UK law on 23rd January 2020...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and issues of regulatory alignment and / or equivalence

The battle-lines are being drawn up for the up coming negotiations between the UK and the EU on a free trade agreement, which would take...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Sewel Convention

The Sewel Convention holds that the UK Parliament will not normally legislate on matters within the competencies of the devolved...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, the digital economy and data protection

In an interesting Article for The Times on 15 January 2020, its Banking Editor, Katherine Griffiths, analysed some of the implications...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the negotiating position of the EU Commission "Brexit" Taskforce on a Free Trade Agreement with the UK

Unless and until Brexit is actually "done" by 31st January 2020, it is perhaps yet not entirely safe to assume that all will go smoothly...

Irwin Mitchell

Let's not chicken out!

Theresa Villiers’ recent pledge not to lower UK food standards regarding beef and chicken is a welcome reassurance to the UK Food & Drink...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the role of the UK Courts in interpreting retained EU case law

As the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement ) Bill begins its passage through the House of Lords, Lord Pannick QC, a crossbench peer who...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and setting the timetable for trade negotiations

Talks about talks and speculation about timetables seem to be the order of the day at the moment as different parties seek to analyse the...