We helped a lady in her 70s make a claim for medical negligence after her dentist failed to diagnose her oral cancer.
What happened to Sarah*?
Sarah went to her dentist with a swelling in her gum. Her dentist told her not to worry, but the problem didn’t go away.
Sarah kept going back to the dentist for a few months but got the same answer every time, despite the swelling increasing in size.
Eventually, Sarah went for a second opinion and was referred for investigations, including a scan and biopsy. Sarah found out she had oral cancer, which had spread into the bone of her lower jaw. She needed multiple operations, including removal of her lower jaw and a skin graft.
How did this impact Sarah’s life?
As a result, she suffered a significant change to her appearance. This led to her becoming depressed and she became reclusive as she was fearful of the reactions of strangers.
Sarah had difficulties communicating and was unable to chew food, needing to be fed through a tube into her stomach. This caused her to lose a significant amount of weight. Sarah became weak, fatigued and unsteady on her feet.
How did Irwin Mitchell help Sarah?
Our dental negligence solicitors were instructed to investigate whether there had been a delay in diagnosing her cancer. Sarah’s case was led by Kevin Saul, an expert medical negligence solicitor.
Expert evidence was obtained which was supportive of a claim, confirming that earlier diagnosis would’ve allowed removal of the tumour whilst preserving her lower jaw. This would’ve enabled her to continue to feed orally.
Liability was disputed by the Defendant up until shortly before Trial. We were able to negotiate a settlement of £500,000 which included amounts for her pain and suffering, as well as to pay for practical assistance with everyday activities.
Expert opinion
Kevin Saul said: “Oral cancer is devastating for patients and their families. It can impact in so many ways beyond being able to eat, such as fatigue and weakness from artificial feeding or consequences from skin grafting.
“It’s really important to visit the dentist promptly if you have any concerns as early diagnosis can make a significant impact. That’s why we are supporting Mouth Cancer Foundation in raising awareness for this aggressive cancer.”
*Not real name used.
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