We secured an admission of responsibility for our client after a failure to correctly report a cervical smear test led to cervical cancer. We’re now working to get her the compensation she deserves.
Medical Negligence Leading To Cervical Cancer
Our client, Amy*, went for her routine cervical smear tests and was told that there was nothing to worry about. Amy was later diagnosed with stage 1b1 cervical cancer. A cervical smear audit found that irregularities weren't reported in her cervical smear samples years earlier. Amy’s cancer could have been prevented had the irregularities been reported correctly at the time.
As a result of the negligence, Amy needed invasive treatment for cervical cancer. She required two loop excisions of the cervix. She also needed a laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy, and endometrial biopsy.
During her treatment, Amy needed removal of lymph nodes which resulted in lymphedema. This condition impacts many aspects of her everyday life and ability to function. Not only is this a physically painful condition, but it's also had a significant psychological effect on Amy.
How We Helped
After Amy contacted us, we got to work straight away. We began by collecting evidence to support her case. This included her medical records, cervical cytology slides, and witness evidence.
We contacted independent medical experts, who could give us an unbiased opinion on the standard of care given to Amy. They could also comment on her health, both now and in the long term. This is important for us to assess how much compensation she’s entitled to.
We set out our allegations of negligence, supported by independent experts, to the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust. The Trust has recently admitted liability. They admit failing to correctly report Amy’s cervical smear samples on two occasions. They also accept that, had they done this, it would’ve prevented her developing cervical cancer.
This admission means we don’t need to prove fault in Amy’s claim. We can instead focus on assessing the value of her claim.
Answers And A Brighter Future
Amy’s claim is ongoing, but the admission from the Trust means we can secure an interim payment. These payments are made before the case is settled and will help Amy to access much needed rehabilitation support.
Laura Ellacott, the Associate Solicitor who’s handling Amy’s claim, said: “I’m pleased we’ve been able to secure answers for Amy and achieve an early admission of liability in her claim. The importance of accurate and reliable cervical screening cannot be underestimated in preventing the development of cervical cancer. It’s imperative that lessons are learned by the Trust from the standard of care provided to Amy to prevent other women going through the same events.
“While no sum of money can undo the damage that’s been done, the compensation we will recover for Amy will help her to access the necessary care, rehabilitation, and support that she now needs for the rest of her life.”
*The client’s name has been changed to protect their anonymity.
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