I am a solicitor in the Court of Protection team, assisting clients in managing their property and financial affairs.
A number of my clients have severe traumatic brain injuries as the result of medical negligence, serious injury or criminal injury.
In particular, my work includes:
- Court of Protection professional deputyships - I work with my colleagues to manage the property and finances of clients who lack the capacity to manage their property and financial affairs.
- Professional personal injury trust management - I assist individuals who have had large personal injury settlements to manage their property and finances appropriately.
- Lay Deputy application - I assist family members and other appropriate individuals to make applications to the Court of Protection to be appointed as property and affairs deputy.
What Inspired You To Get Into Law?
The idea of using my skills to assist people at all points of their life. I liked the thought of working with clients, their families and people close to them to find solutions to their problems.
What Is The Most Rewarding Aspect Of Your Role?
When I reach a positive result for my clients. Life can be very challenging for those with a brain injury and it is particularly rewarding when I can assist them to reach a goal that is important to them - for example, purchasing a home, engaging in rehabilitation or any other goal that they have.
What Do You Like About Working At Irwin Mitchell?
The inclusive and friendly culture.
What Do You Do Away From The Office?
I like eating out with friends and family, going to the gym and travelling to new places (and of course, trying the food of the country I'm visiting).