Medical Negligence Lawyers And Woman Call For Improvements After Inquest Highlighted Inappropriate Staff To Patient Ratio And Insufficient Risk Assessment Of Garden Area
The devastated partner of a dad who died when he was hit by a train after escaping from a mental health unit has launched legal action.
Nathan Cunliffe, from Warrington, had been known to mental health services since September 2018.
He went missing from his home for five days over Christmas 2021. He was found sleeping rough and was taken to A&E before being transferred to Hollins Park Hospital where he was sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983.
Dad climbs over 8ft fence at Hollins Park Hospital
During the evening of 11 January, 2022, Nathan absconded from the hospital by climbing over the eight foot garden fence unaided.
His body was found on the railway line between Hollins Park and Warrington Bank Quay. He was 28.
Following Nathan’s death his partner Lauren Sayburn instructed specialist medical negligence lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate and secure the future of the couple’s two children.
Inquest concludes death to be suicide
An inquest jury in February, this year, concluded Nathan died from suicide. It also identified that there had been an insufficient risk assessment of the garden at the hospital, as well as an inappropriate staff to patient ratio within the area.
Lauren, 30, has now launched legal action against Hollins Park Hospital. She’s using Suicide Prevention Month to raise awareness of mental health issues and campaign for improvements to help those who need the support and prevent future deaths.
Ayse Ince is the specialist medical negligence lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing Lauren.
Expert Opinion
“The past two-and-a-half years have been incredibly difficult for Lauren as she tries to come to terms with losing Nathan so tragically and suddenly.
“While the inquest found issues with the garden area at Hollins Park, Lauren continues to have a number of questions over what happened to Nathan and the care he received prior to his death.
“We’re determined to investigate Lauren’s concerns and provide her with the answers she deserves so all lessons possible can be learned to improve patient safety.
“People with mental health illnesses are some of the most vulnerable in society and should always receive the highest standard of care and support.” Ayse Ince
Mental health: Nathan Cunliffe's story
Nathan was employed as a scaffolder for many years. Prior to his death, however, he had been mostly working in short-term jobs.
Following his initial contact with mental health services in 2018, he had further contact between November 2019 and January 2020.
He was admitted to the Austen Ward at Hollins Park Hospital on 30 December 2021.
He was found dead less than two weeks later.
Tribute paid to scaffolder who took his life
Lauren said: “It’s approaching three years since we lost Nathan but the pain we feel over his death still feels as raw as it did back then. I still struggle to think how our boys will have to grow up without him by their side helping them to navigate through life.
“When Nathan began struggling with his mental health, it was awful and I wanted him to get all the help he needed.
“I’ll never forget how I felt being told he had died. My whole world fell apart and life from that moment has never been the same nor will it be again.
“I know nothing will ever bring Nathan back, but I would hate for anyone else to go through what we are. I hope by raising awareness, if it helps one person, than Nathan’s death won’t have totally been in vain.”
September is Suicide Prevention Month; charities and those bereaved by suicide are encouraging people to talk more openly about suicide, and providing individuals with an opportunity to express how they feel and to reach out for the support that they need.
Find out more about our expertise in supporting families affected by the death of a loved one following mental health care failings at our dedicated failure to prevent suicide section. Alternatively, to speak to an expert contact us or call 0370 1500 100.