Advanced Bionics Announced Recall Of HiRes Ultra And Ultra 3D Models
Patients concerned over reports of performance issues in cochlear implants have instructed specialist lawyers to investigate.
Following a number of complaints regarding hearing degradation in early 2020, cochlear implant company Advanced Bionics recalled HiRes Ultra and Ultra 3D models.
It reported that ‘performance issues’ had arisen due to fluid entering into the electrode, leading to interruption of stimulation that could negatively impact device performance.
A new version of the implants is now available.
A number of patients affected by the issues have instructed specialist group action lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate their concerns over the implants. They have complained of a series of issues including a deterioration in hearing, as well as finding it difficult to follow conversations, particularly in groups, and being unable to participate in any hobbies or activities requiring listening. Furthermore, some have said they have had to avoid taking calls at work due to not hearing properly, while for children some have found their ability to take part in classroom tasks has been adversely affected.
A number of those affected have also had to undergo explantation surgery, (where the implant is removed and replaced), with some going on to suffer post-operative complications such as tinnitus and infections.
Find out more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in handling cochlear implant casesExpert Opinion
“Our clients are understandably deeply concerned over the reports surrounding what have been described as ‘performance issues’ with these particular cochlear implants.
We’ve heard a number of worrying first-hand accounts, which have included one client who developed an infection and had to have their replacement device removed. They subsequently had to undergo further surgery and recovery. They are one of many who have had to take time off work or school due to issues with their implants.
Our clients are dependent on these devices so when they fail, it’s highly problematic. Not only does it cause issues for the patients themselves, but also has an impact on their wider families who they become more reliant on. In some cases, additional costs and expenses are incurred for private therapies, aids, and equipment.
We’re now investigating our clients’ concerns and are determined to help provide them with the support and answers they deserve. If any issues are identified during the course of our investigations, it’s vital that lessons are learned to help prevent others from suffering similar problems in the future.
We’ll continue to support our clients at this time.” Catherine Slattery, Group Actions Lawyer