Adoption applications are falling - but why?
A recent statistic shows that adoption applications by heterosexual couples has fallen 36% in the past four years. And it is thought that this may be due to the increase in the success of IVF treatments and the option of surrogacy.
Anthony Douglas, chief executive of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support service states the process for adoption is "far too slow".
Whilst adoption is competing with the increase in options such as surrogacy and IVF improvements for any couple or person seeking to have a family it has to be remembered adoption is not just for those suffering with infertility it is for those that wish to make a difference to a vulnerable child.
The process of either adoption or surrogacy is complex and over the next few years with the increase in awareness and promotion of modern families these areas of law will develop and change for the better.
Analysis published today of the latest family courts figures shows that adoption applications from heterosexual couples have fallen by 36 per cent in four years. The number from same-sex couples has risen by 14 per cent, but these make up a far smaller proportion and do little to affect the overall decline.”