Are your expectations for retirement savings and the cost of future care realistic?
Whilst we are all now living longer, that does not necessarily equate to a healthy life expectancy. It is important not to ignore the fact that this could mean we need assistance later on in life and may have to plan for it.
As well as planning for how you are going to afford your future care, you should also consider who you would want to make decisions with regard to your property and financial affairs and/or health and welfare, should there come a time where you lack capacity make such decisions yourself. Creating a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) would give you peace of mind that there will be someone to assist you with your finances and health and welfare, should the need arise.
The alternative may well be that a Deputy is appointed for you by the Court of Protection. This is a more costly route and can cause significant delays, at a time when urgent assistance or decisions are required. The Court may appoint a Deputy that you would not otherwise have chosen yourself.
There is an "alarming gap" when it comes to expectation and reality on retirement savings and the cost and duration of later life care, a survey has found.”