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Permitted Development: Office to Residential demolition and re-build rights are still a possibility

Planning Resource Magazine has just published an article indicating that the proposal to include rights to demolish and replace buildings under office to residential permitted development rights is still being considered by DCLG.

If the proposed rights come forward then the number of buildings suitable for conversion will increase significantly. As such, the amendments are likely to be both popular amongst developers and somewhat politically sensitive.

The proposal was announced by Planning Ministers last November, but did not feature in the amendments to the GDPO that were laid before parliament last month.

It now appears that they are still on the table, although we may have to wait for the Housing and Planning Bill to pass before we find out for certain.

However, it is understood that it is still the Department for Communities and Local Government’s intention for the permitted development right to allow for the demolition of offices and replacement as residential use on a like-for-like basis.

Planning understands that the department is giving further consideration to how to best shape this element of the permitted development right and needs to use new powers contained in clause 138 of the Housing and Planning Bill to bring the change into force.”