Does the law allow straight talking in redundancy situations?
In a redundancy situation employees often just want to know what is going on and find out if they are going to have a job or not. So straight talking by the employer from the start and throughout definitely has a place and may often feel 'morally' right. However, this does not always sit well with UK employment law which has a well established consultation process to go through before any final decision is made. Whilst this delay, 'procedure' and dare I say it even the 'corporate speak' used to make sure this happens can be frustrating on occasion for all involved it is actually designed to ensure all reasonable alternatives are explored by the Employer and decisions are not made in haste and regretted at leisure.
Twitter has said it is cutting 336 jobs, roughly 8% of its global workforce, as part of a restructuring of the business.
Co- Founder Mr Dorsey told employees: "Emails like this are usually riddled with corporate speak so I'm going to give it to you straight."”